How I create new blog posts Link to heading
So, this is in a way a “meta” article about how I create new blog posts. It’s me mostly being kind to my future self by documenting how to create a new blog post.
The command to create the post Link to heading
The command to create the new post is:
hugo new content/posts/[NAME_OF_FILE_HERE].md
# e.g. hugo new content/posts/
from the help description it works by being able to guess the content “kind” based on the path:
% hugo new --help
Create a new content file and automatically set the date and title.
It will guess which kind of file to create based on the path provided.
Add the content Link to heading
Now we can create the content by editing the created file:
vim content/posts/[NAME_OF_FILE_HERE].md
In order to add images to the post and link them, we have to put the images we want to reference under the content/public/static
directory. Once that is done, we can reference them using a relative path like:

Review using a local server Link to heading
Start up a local server to build the pages and be able to access it locally with:
hugo server -D
You should now be able to view the new content on the site at http://localhost:1313/.
NOTE: If the post is marked as a “Draft” you might need to run:
hugo server --buildDrafts
Publish the new content Link to heading
Assuming that you are happy with the content, you can publish it to the git repo at GitHub and have it published using GitHub Pages + Actions:
git add content/posts/*
git ci -m "Adding new post"
git push
The definition for how this works can be found here:
This will publish the static content to the “gh-pages” branch of the git repository which is what GitHub Pages looks at when loading the public site at